
March 2022 Awards
Haven for Artists in Lebanon £6,502
Haven for Artists aims to reclaim public space for women in Beirut, through awareness and community-based actions. COVID-19 confined women in unsafe households, and the Beirut Port Blast and the financial crisis took away safe spaces, Haven for Artists aims to bring back the community in a safe space that belongs to them. Using creative tools, they want to offer a platform to the community to raise their voices in fighting and deconstructing the social norms that oppress women and the queer community. Within the Haven Cultural Community Centre, they will support the production of a monthly zine by the community. Each month will have a theme on which artists and activists can collaborate and produce genuine and authentic content that will be printed and largely distributed throughout Lebanon, ensuring that the narrative is written and led by the community itself.  Books will also be provided for the community library.

Environmental activism in Kenya £7,270
Since 2017 Save Lamu – a community-based environmental activist organization- has been campaigning under the banner of deCOALonize for alternatives to coal and embracing clean energy in Kenya.  In Lamu’s conservative Muslim society, women rarely attend public consultations. However, if the Lamu Coal Power Plant investment goes ahead, it will severely impact human health, especially women whose reproductive health could be affected. Thus, Save Lamu wants women to be informed and participate in public events related to the investment and give them more space in promoting sustainable development.

The Feminist Review Trust is funding specific activities which promote women within Save Lamu’s larger No-to-Coal Campaign. These activities will empower 103 women by providing knowledge on human and environmental rights; and skills in advocacy, campaigning over social media communication to enable their active participation in shaping Lamu’s future.  Through training events including a specific event for young women, the women will ultimately become activists for sustainable development. In addition, it is hoped that by being part of the No-to-Coal movement and the Save Lamu community as a way of life, the women will be inspired to remain active in the community and social media.  The activities will ensure that women are not left behind and their voices are heard when decisions are made about the future of Lamu.

February 2022 Awards
Services for survivors of sexual harassment in the Philippines £3,817
Sulong! Sandigan (roughly translated as “Lean on Sulong!”) is a referral project launched by Sulong! Philippines in mid-2020. It aims to connect victim-survivors of sexual harassment  with free legal and emotional aid. This is possible through the organization’s established partnerships with volunteer lawyers, mental health clinics and organizations, as well as feminist groups compensated through Sulong! Philippines’ donations-driven Survivors’ Solidarity Fund.

With a grant from the Feminist Review Trust, Sulong! Philippines plans to expand significantly Sulong! Sandigan by adding medical aid to its roster of existing services. This will include free medical teleconsultations and physical consultations regarding sexual health, support with accessing prescribed medicine and laboratory procedures. Shelters and clinics will also be supplied with birth control pills and other sexual-health related products. To jump start this new service, Sulong! is currently in talks for partnership with Kindred, a women’s health organisation providing care facilities and communication channels as its core – the staff of which is currently accomplishing training to be able to begin medical aid services soon. Moreover, the addition of medical aid takes the project to the next step, moving from a purely online format to now making physical consultations and support possible, by shouldering the transportation costs of victim-survivors for in-person check-ups and pertinent laboratory procedures. With this, Sulong! Philippines aims to cater to more community members and adopt a more holistic approach towards recovery and justice.

As well as providing services, the grant will be used to promote the service to new audiences.

January 2022 Awards
Digitalising films addressing representations of women £6,720
The Work We Share is a project to digitise ten films from the Cinenova collection addressing representations of gender, race, sexuality, health and community. To improve accessibility, all of the films will be captioned, and they will be accompanied by new response commissions from contemporary artists and writers. The commissions and newly digitised and captioned films will be showcased through a national public programme in the format of 10 public screening events and community workshops. The workshops continue a commitment of feminist filmmaking as a tool for community cohesion, conscious raising and anti-racist education.

With the support of the Feminist Review Trust, Cinenova’s project will focus on the production of a digital platform and a printed zine to record and archive the newly digitised films and response commissions. This new digital platform will be used in community workshops, education settings, and to encourage conversation and learning around feminist filmmaking practices. It is hoped this project will support new generations of artists to engage with Cinenova’s rich history as well as its possible future uses and inspirations.

Gender-based violence in Bolivia £9,000
In Cochabamba, Bolivia, Somas Sur will create a feminist network of acompañantas (women who offer assistance and support), with Self and Social Care tools combined with an anti-patriarchal theoretical framework, building a safe and friendly environment.

In Bolivia, gender-based violence is structural: 113 femicides in 2020, and 31 in the first quarter of 2021. The pandemic increased the vulnerability of many women, who are not only overloaded by household chores, but also are obliged to stay with their aggressors. Social isolation prevented them from having access to self-care tools and, consequently, their own integral health has been weakened, as well as the health of the people around them (social, physical, psychological and spiritual). Women have no support and continue living under oppressive situations, jeopardising their own and their children’s lives. Furthermore, open spaces that offer assistance through a feminist perspective are scarce and often non-existing. There are many initiatives where women are re-victimised, since they value religious principles that strengthen patriarchal bonds. Government agencies have directed most of their attention and financial resources to control the pandemic. Therefore, the services for the prevention, assistance, and recovery in cases of violence against women have been neglected.

This project not only provides assistance for woman facing actual violent situations, but also promotes supportive relationships between women as a way of life, so that fewer and fewer women find themselves alone facing sexist and patriarchal violence.

December 2021 Awards
Feminist reading group in Albania £3,600
Radical Sense is a weekly radical feminist reading group based in Tirana, Albania. Founded in 2018, it has created a space that allows for reading, listening, and thinking together, as well as creating bonds of community and solidarity. The reading group edits, compiles, prints, and binds unique readers—tracing and rediscovering feminist, radical, queer, trans, black, indigenous, and other marginalized voices, exploring literary pathways that can allow the group to reimagine collectively a better and more equitable world. The group has produced ten volumes and during the pandemic continued to meet weekly over Zoom.

Translation has always been at the core of their work. Their collaborative translation work offers not only a space to expand language together, but also to sharpen the necessary theoretical tools around their work. The grant from the Feminist Review Trust will extend this work for further feminist material.

July 2021 Awards
Shelter for 15 – 18 year old girls in Haifa £6,840
With the grant support of the Feminist Review Trust, the Social Development Committee (SDC) will be able to contribute to sustaining the existence of AlAnwar Girls’ Shelter (Home of Light) in Haifa faced with a risk of closure by the authorities. The Shelter hosts 11 to 13 Arab girls age 15-18, victims of poverty, domestic violence, drop-out, sexual coercion, assaults, sexual exploitation, social crime, and limited access to protective services. The closure of the Shelter by the authorities would leave these girls with no alternative home or protection. For the Shelter to continue to exist it has to comply with conditions imposed by the authorities including capacity building for the team and improvements in the general physical conditions of the premises. As a community-based-organization, the SDC requested the financial support of the Feminist Review Trust to help the shelter in meetings the authorities’ conditions through legal advocacy, capacity building and upgrading of the interior facilities.

April 2021 Awards
Rerouting initiative £1,668
Rerouting initiative is a multidimensional initiative focused on social justice, offering support services to migrants, detained migrants, internally displaced deportees and marginalized and vulnerable people. Rerouting Initiatives’ services are centered on empowering individuals through learning and development, offering enterprise-based vocational training matched with market needs in countries of return. Detainees and vulnerable women are provided with skills to enable them to thrive, increase income potential, boost confidence, and improve wellbeing. The vision is to deepen awareness and knowledge about the situation of irregular migrants to the UK to boost their potential to achieve sustainable futures. Irregular migration is laden with uncertainty. Rerouting works to chart viable paths for the future shifting the prospects for individuals, their communities and wider societies.

Health and Well-being in Georgia £6,505
The project aims to create a safe online platform that, in the form of blogs and articles, will truthfully and reliably address and raise awareness on the principal issues that women in Georgia face today, covering topics such as mental and physical health, gender-based violence, LGBTQ+ and WWD well-being, sexuality and reproductive health. The most common cause of women’s oppression and discrimination is their sexuality. To alleviate and finally break the taboo, the group decided to start the content creation process from this topic.

Under this project, eight articles will be created with popular and understandable language, proofread by a professional. The articles will be about sexual orientation, gender identity and its expression, body perception, consent and boundaries, early sex life, sexual dysfunctions, STDs.

To reach as many readers as possible, compelling and engaging Instagram stories will be created with a quote related to the article’s key message to increase the interest and the number of platform visitors. Album-type Instagram posts will also be created, which will be a brief ‘trailer’ of the article and help the viewer to understand the general idea shortly and become interested in the extended version.

One of a kind and noteworthy thumbnail visuals will be made for each article. Internal visuals will be created, too, to explain some specific terms, terminology, etc. To reach as many readers as possible, we will advertise our content, website, and Facebook page via Facebook Ads, Google SEO, and Adwords. To gather many loyal readers around the platform, the Facebook group will be created. It will be a space to share the news related to the women, share new articles, and listen to their opinions and needs.

Feminist tours in Barcelona £5,000
The “Anti-Racist and Caring Tour” consists of a series of tours around the city of Barcelona, provided by the activist women of Sindihogar (Independent Trade Union of Cleaning and Caring Workers) to generate a collective space for reflection on the colonial legacy, an historical genealogy of care-work, as well as a cartography of local struggles and activist groups. It aims to produce a model of decolonial pedagogy that will be spread among pedagogical centres and platforms. Ideally, it could be used as a model by other activist collectives that could reproduce it in their own cities.

The Tour is not simply designed to give voice to the silenced, uncomfortable stories of the city centre, but also to create alliances and strengthen connection with local collectives.  It will be supported by a series of multimedia material, such as Fanzines, Podcasts and videos. It represents a project of feminist and self-sustained economy that aims to give Sindihogar a long-term source of financial funding, as well as a space that values the intellectual, historical and pedagogical research that has been developed by Sindihogar throughout its 10 years of experience. The Feminist Review Trust grant will cover the expanses of the first phase of the project (research, training and launching).

Information about the project and how to participate is at

Gender based violence in Haitan £2,190
Koze Kilti Vyòl( ) (The Thing About Rape Culture) is a Haitian Creole podcast by the association, Ayiti Nou Vle A (ANVA). It aims to break the silence on gender based violence, rape, misogyny and sexual abuse through a simple, informative and educational approach. It is published weekly on all online podcast platforms as well as on the air of eight radio stations throughout Haiti. Trough the Koze Kilti Vyòl podcast ANVA’s approach is to create a safe space where the topics of rape and sexual violence are addressed openly without fear.

The podcast is produced in seasons of 10 episodes around a specific theme for the whole season. The episodes are very interactive and include interviews, quizzes, scenarios and snapshots about news or research on the topic discussed to enable better understanding and foster public engagement. The first season was on the normalizing and tolerance of rape in the daily discourse in the Haitian society. The second season is on consent. The team is already working on the third season which is on trauma. ANVA’s intent for Koze Kilti Vyòl has been to reach the widest range of the Haitian society by creating the content in creole thus accessible to 100% of the population as opposed to French, adapting the technology online for young people and those with access to internet. The group also uses community radios in rural areas that are usually harder to reach, conducting roundtables to discuss the topic of rape in the form of workshops in schools, churches and other meeting places as well as with other women associations There is a Koze Kilti Vyòl community on social media to discuss the topics and share the episodes of the podcast as well as the work and news of organizations working with similar objectives.

Trade skills for women £2,000
The practical trades remain vastly male-dominated, and the wage gap in practical hands-on jobs continues to be staggering, the salary of those in the trades is more than double that of most retail and service industry roles. The Feminist Review Trust is supporting The Foxwood Project to demonstrate practical trades for women.

Foxwood will be providing an opportunity for women to gain a practical hands-on introduction to the manual trades and shift the idea that these are jobs only men can do. Women can excel in these trade roles, providing a new perspective. The Foxwood Project wants the next generation of women to have the opportunities missed by previous generations.

January 2021 Awards
Unikuir LGBTI+ in Turkey £6,558
Based in Ankara, Turkey, this project consists of two phases of intensive online workshops to increase the capacity of people in Turkish civil society on intersectional approaches to feminism. The dialogue in the country around feminism often lacks the voices and experiences of some of the least represented groups, which are lesbian, bisexual and trans women, and non-binary individuals.

The project will aim to make the voices of LGBTI+ individuals heard through workshops that will be given by activists and academicians and will include special provisions for each of these groups such as quotas for trans/non-binary participants. The project will also try to include refugee women especially from Syrian background and women with disabilities by using Arabic, English and Turkish sign language (TSL) translations for the workshops and including NGOs that specifically target these groups.

Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the project will be held on an online platform. To increase participation by relevant stakeholders, the project will be run in collaboration with local and national feminist and LGBTI+ organisations and workshops will be recorded for future use. The website for the Unikuir LGBTI+ NGO will be updated with a section dedicated to resources related to the project as well as the recordings of the workshops and reports that will be created at the end of the project.

Archive of sex workers’ memory in Argentina £2,000
The Archive of Sex Workers’ Historical Memory is a community-focused archive initiative to build a public platform of documentation, preservation and accessibility to the social struggles, political experiences and historical knowledges gathered by the collective of sex workers in Argentina. This archival project will be led by sex workers’ themselves and will be composed of a wide-range of sex work-related materials such as oral registers, photographs, video images, newspaper clippings, organizational records, graphic campaigns, statements, media interventions and reflections produced by activists and archival projects already existing in regional organizations of sex workers.

The support of the Feminist Review Trust helps with the first part of the project, based on the collection of the grassroot sex workers’ civil association Ammar Córdoba which holds a huge array of documents involving 20 years of public activism and territorial organization. The sex workers urgently need to protect their historical documents, since their dispersion and lack of proper storage conditions is making its deterioration progressive. No less important is the advanced age of many of their colleagues, some suffering from health problems: the oral dimension of this archival project is a way to carefully render safe and honour their memories and wisdom.

Archival initiatives are a way to preserve the sex workers’ history among peers and to have historical political contributions recognised by other social collectives in the fight against inequality, criminalization and the achievement of rights.

Abortion in Argentina
Since 1921, in Argentina, abortion has been legal in cases of rape or if the pregnancy endangers the life or health of the pregnant woman. However, legal terminations are repeatedly impeded by actions of conservative groups in the health system and widespread conscientious objection among health professionals.

In 2010, in order to reduce the mortality ratio and adverse health effects of those who undergo clandestine abortions under unsafe conditions, La Revuelta Feminist Collective (LR) created Socorro Rosa (SR). This is a mechanism to support women and give information and access to safe medical abortions. Two years later, upon the initiative of LR, the collective Socorristas en Red (SenR) was founded. This network consists now of 54 collectives from all over the country. LR and SenR  help women get access to legal abortions in the health system.

On 24 January 2021, abortion became legal up to the 14th week of pregnancy. Once the 14th week has passed, abortion is legal only in cases of rape or if the mother’s health is in danger.

This project, funded in part by the Feminist Review Trust, will focus on girls and teenagers since they represent the most vulnerable group. Every three hours, a girl aged between 10 and 14 gives birth in Argentina. One in every six children is born to a teen mother, 69% of those pregnancies are unintended and many are the result of sexual abuse. The project has three strategies: 1) Expansion of girls and teenagers’ access to safe abortions; 2) CSE awareness campaigns and training; 3) Institutional strengthening of the collective. Specifically the FRT funding will cover the cost of a telephone service.

July 2020 Awards
Holloway prison £4,450
HOLLOWAY is an all-female community project that facilitates women once incarcerated in the former HMP Holloway to return to the prison’s empty site for the final time before it is bulldozed. These stories and testimonies from those with lived experience of the system, will be turned into a digital archive, exhibition, and documentary, inviting the public to challenge stereotypes and assumptions about women in the criminal justice system.

Most of the women taking part are from marginalised backgrounds: all have been in prison, many have experienced homelessness, many have experience of the care system and many have experiences of substance dependency. However, many of them are artists and community leaders. The project will offer training and employment opportunities and artist commissions, to build on their existing skills.

With trained female mental health professionals, the project supports women through returning and telling their stories. In Forum Theatre workshops, participants will explore memories of prison and work together to envisage reform of the female criminal justice system. This project will create a community-hub, bringing impacted communities together to explore visions for the future of this site and the female prison system, involving the long-ignored voices of the former offenders in this conversation.

Women in extended pre-trial detention in Mexico £14,320
People deprived of liberty are victims of inhuman and degrading treatment, characterized by prejudice, stereotypes, discrimination and impunity from different sectors of society and government. The Mexican justice system operates under a punitive approach with extensive human rights violations.  Women are most vulnerable: they do not have access to justice on equal terms and risk the disproportionate effects of criminal and security policies of the Mexican State.

In 2011, in the context of the “war against drug trafficking”, several mass arrests were made to dismantle drug cartels. Many women were imprisoned and received preventive detention and today, they continue without a sentence. In many cases, these women had serious violations of their human rights, especially their right to a due legal process. All these cases share a lack of adequate defence, torture at the time of their detention, and deprivation of liberty in centres far from their hometown.  Moreover many of the women belong to an indigenous community and are in detention a long way from their home, without access to a translator or interpreter.

The objective of this project is to contribute to access of justice for women in Baja California, Mexico City and Chiapas,  who have exceeded the constitutional limit of 2 years of preventive detention. For women dealing with criminal law, it is important to pursue non-custodial measures, and the effective implementation of the National Law of Criminal Enforcement, which takes up principles and provisions of international instruments, such as the Bangkok Rules where it is established that women deprived of liberty do not pose a risk to society and their imprisonment only hinders their social reintegration. It is urgent to apply the gender and intersectional approach in the prison and justice system in Mexico to reduce disproportionate burdens on women when they face the justice system. The ASILEGAL team will work extensively to make a change and help the forgotten women of the war against drugs, get justice.

Global South Feminist Writing Workshop £3,010
This project is an intensive 2-day workshop for 16 UK-based feminist early career researchers (ECRS) from the “Global South” in the social sciences and humanities to work with feminist journal editors to develop one of their working papers into a publication-worthy piece. Participants will work individually with an editor during the workshop on a paper to submit to their chosen publication.

The event will serve as a springboard for editors and ECRs to engage with critical conversations around these missing “Global South” feminist voices in academic journals and how we can tackle these with care and solidarity. A key aim of the workshop is to create the foundation for long-term critical feminist change projects and collaborations. This will include the dissemination of talks given at the workshop through a dedicated digital platform.

The workshop is further geared towards editors learning and working collaboratively with the Early Career Researchers to examine critically their journals’ editing, reviewing and publishing practices and foster more inclusive approaches to how they operate and make editorial decisions from feminist perspectives.

Women recovering from addiction £1,782
The Feminism for Change programme is a 6-week programme running in East London that works with women who have experienced addiction and multiple disadvantages throughout their lives. The programme helps women to make sense of their experiences from the perspective of feminism and discover the relevance of feminist ideas to their lives. The programme provides a safe space for women to talk, reflect and draw from each other’s life experiences.

The course takes inspiration from the feminist consciousness-raising groups of the 1970s and aims to prove that feminism is for everybody. The key objectives of the project are that the women who participate are able to :

    • understand how gender inequality has impacted them as women
    • better understand themselves through the educational content of the programme
    • communicate with and value other women
    • develop greater emotional resilience through the learning gained on the programme and the connection to other women
    • move on to further education and training sessions such as ‘Herstory’ introduces some of the women who have played an important part in the struggle for equality in the UK – from Mary Wollstonecraft through Olive Morris and Jayaben Desai and asks the women on the programme to discuss their relationship to the women who have shaped their own lives.

Subsequent days on the programme look at topics such as shame and guilt, power and control, co-dependency and relationships and sex and consent. For many of the women it is the first time they have encountered feminist ideas and the first time they had spoken with other women about these topics.

FfC has made a series of short films with some of the women who have completed the programme. These can be seen at where there are more details about the project.

June 2020 Awards
Peer-led workshops for girls leaving the care system £4,992
Sister System will deliver a year of peer-led workshops for girls affected by the care system in Tottenham, London, to provide vital opportunities to learn and build confidence at key transition points in their lives (for example, exam time, transitioning out of care). Workshops will be led by women with lived experience that have been trained as peer mentors by Sister System. The twelve workshops will build knowledge and resilience for one of the most vulnerable and isolated groups in our society – female, BAME, Looked After Children (LAC) and care leavers. At the same time, Sister Systems will provide a platform for longer-term relationships to develop between our older care leavers and younger participants, which will be supported through further events and safe social media tools.

The mission is to demonstrate that the need to change how to work with care-affected children, and in doing so change the hearts and minds of local authorities and other services to provide the support these girls desperately need to improve their life chances. Not only will this demonstrate what a better model of support should look like, and that it can offer better outcomes, but it can ultimately reduce support required for the same girls as they become adults.  The sessions are designed to create an empowering, inclusive and therapeutic community group. They have been shaped by care leavers, employing therapeutic models such as the Solution Focused Approach to allow for engagement in a safe, non-judgemental and confidential space.

May 2020 Awards
Books for libraries in Zimbabwe £3,990
During the last two decades, Zimbabwe has endured an economy that has directly and negatively impacted services such as health, education, and libraries. The grant from the Feminist Review Trust will enable Weaver Press, a small independent Zimbabwean publishing house, to put seven fiction and non-fiction books that focus on women into both academic and public libraries throughout the country. The libraries do not have the funds to buy the books for themselves yet there is much evidence that if books are given to students and teachers, they will be read and discussed.

The books to be included are: A Tragedy of Lives: Women in prison in Zimbabwe; Girls on the Street; The Frontline runs through every Woman: women and local resistance in the Zimbabwean liberation war; Shemurenga: the Zimbabwe women’s movement 1995-2000; Township Girls: the cross-over generation; Masimba (short stories in Shona); and Trapped, a novel that explores the lives of unemployed graduates.

Women and peace in Columbia: radio programs  £6,080
Ruta Pacífica de las Mujeres is a Colombian movement who works in the construction of peace by strengthening women as political and social subjects in the territories. They are currently developing the project “LAS MUJERES EN LA RADIO PAZ HAREMOS EN COLOMBIA” in the Santander region. The projects seeks to strengthen the capacities of women and their organisations, in order to be recognised as rights and peace builders in Colombia, through the use of radio as a communication tool, for the dissemination of information on peace and the guarantee of their rights.

The project includes:

    1. Editing and producing 48 programs of “Lunas y amaneceres”, a weekly program of 30 minutes during the year 2020.
    2. A strategy to disseminate the “Lunas y amaneceres” radio program, as well as the creation of alliances so that it can be broadcasted on other radio stations, social networks and other organisations in the region.
    3. To train a seedbed of 10 young women from the Santander regional of Ruta Pacifíca to become reporters and promoters of radio programs in their communities and organisations.

The aim is to produce inclusive, non-discriminatory content with a gender component, women’s rights, and differential on issues such as violences against women, women and the peace process, women and the transitional integral system in Colombia. The project uses culture as a tool for peace building among others with the aim of reaching a large number of territories and populations of different ages and through that, generate a critical mass in favour of peace and citizenship of women and girls in the audience.

Radio program

April 2020 Awards
Sanctuary garden for refugee women £4,000
The Buckthorne Cutting Nature Reserve sits within Lewisham Borough. The
Lewisham Migrant and Refugee Network support a women’s group of refugees who have experienced trauma and have fled abuse. The women are currently
experiencing significant loss of home, family, culture and are struggling to raise
children with low income and often without recourse to public funds. This funding will help facilitate a sanctuary space and a series of well-being days for this group of women. The Buckthorne Cutting Nature Reserve will provide quiet and green space that can help promote a sense of peace, to help the women bond as a group, build self esteem and enjoy experiences of sharing and growing. The nature reserve is large and covered with trees but has various glades/spaces that will enable different types of activity to take place. For example, a space for growing vegetables, a space for making art, a space for gentle exercise and a space for children to be entertained in woodland activities. By taking part the women involved will experience worthwhile social opportunities in a green, quiet and safe sanctuary space. The funding will help buy essential resources such as an eco-toilet and wash basin as well as paying for woodland/forest club child care sessions for children enabling the women to participate fully in the sessions available to them.

January 2020 Awards
Journalism training for women in northern Syria £9,960
To amplify the voices of Syrian women in civil society, ASML/Syria has been organizing journalism training for Syrian women since late 2017.

In partnership with the Feminist Review Trust, a full-time journalism training workshop will be held for women in the town of Azzaz in Northern Syria. In the workshop for 20-30 days, 10-15 female trainees will undergo training in writing, interviewing, technical skills and production, as well as professional coaching. From the workshop, 7-9 trainees will be selected to advance to a 5-month apprenticeship with the feminist web platform Ayni Aynik ( Meaning “my eye is your eye” in Arabic, it is written by and for Syrian women, creating space to process the impact of war on women’s lives, and approaching issues that are taboo in Syrian society. During this stage, trainees will be coached by professional trainers in writing, audio and video editing, and photojournalism to ensure that their work continues to improve in quality and complexity. The platform offers a chance to build a portfolio under real-world working conditions. Upon completion, the women will be ready to enter the job market, or (most commonly) begin their careers as freelance reporters.

The Syrian women journalists will complete the course literate in the language of human rights and have the technical skills and industry knowledge to make women heard. The women will also be connected to ASML/Syria’s wide network of media organizations and former media development partners, with 77% of alumnae already employed in the media sector.

Women’s Aid Orkney-redesigning publicity materials £2,225
With funding from the Feminist Review Trust, Women’s Aid in Orkney will produce a range of materials including leaflets, posters, banners and business cards.  Their leaflets will be redesigned:

    • One leaflet will contain the basic contact details for Women’s Aid Orkney and emergency phone numbers for other services and a QR code for distribution in public places such as GP surveys, shops, local council etc.
    • The other leaflet will be given to women who attend the service, outlining what support can be offered, support workers details and office contact details.

Posters will be produced for display in public places including ferry and airport terminals, pub toilets, colleges and shops to advertise our services and contact details.

Women’s Aid Orkney will purchase two pull up banners for their Children & Young Peoples service for use at conferences, meetings, fundraiser and public awareness session. The banners will raise their profile and publicise their service to both professionals and the general public.

Lip balms will be designed and developed with their phone number disguised in a bar code to give out to the women and children who may be in danger from domestic abuse. These will be issued to the police and health services to give out as required. This way women and children can be given a contact number without it flagging up who they are. This will reduce the risk of a perpetrator finding their phone number and help to provide a safe way to pass on contact details.

Business cards with contact details and a QR code will be produced to be given to both professionals and the public. This will help raise awareness of the help available and how to contact Women’s Aid in Orkney.

Increasing access for women with disabilities in Turkey £4,375
The Association of Women with Disabilities (ENGKAD) was established in 2011 in Ankara, Turkey to fight against discrimination towards women with disabilities with a right-based approach. The intersectional aspect of the work carried out by ENGKAD has raised an awareness among feminists on the necessity of organising activities and events that are accessible for women with disabilities. However, organisations working in the field of gender equality do not have enough knowledge and experience on the access needs of women with disabilities.

Given the importance of accessibility for ensuring activism is inclusive for women with disabilities and to provide a guide for being accessible, ENGKAD will prepare a booklet. This booklet will introduce the crucial points to be taken into account during the organisation and implementation of activities. In addition to internationally defined accessibility standards, this booklet will contain information on what participants from different disability groups (for example, people with physical, visual, hearing, or intellectual disabilities and mental problems) may need, information on how to announce the event and access to participants with disabilities, how to present information in an accessible manner, how to arrange an accessible accommodation and how to ensure that women with disabilities can fully participate in the activity. Therefore, the target audience of this project includes everyone organizing public activities in any field in Turkey and looking for ways to include people with disabilities in their activities. However, in line with ENGKAD’s mission and goals, the booklet will also include information on the issues specific to women with disabilities.

Online sex workers in the West Midlands, UK £4,300
The Red Project is an outreach service for sex workers in the West Midlands who have been subjected to sexual violence. It is delivered by the Rape and Sexual Violence Project in Birmingham, Black Country Women’s Aid and Coventry Rape and Sexual Abuse Centre. The project has mainly supported street sex workers and those based in parlours/brothels.  There is currently a gap in specialist support for online sex workers. To expand current support provided to include the needs of online sex workers, the Red Project wants to understand what online sex workers need from services and how they want to access support.  With funding from the Feminist Review Trust, they will conduct focus groups, one-to-one interviews and distribute surveys to online sex workers that will shape relevant, accessible support.

LBTQ herstories in Bosnia and Herzegovina £4,000
Women’s civil society organisations have been advocating for women’s human rights as well as promoting conflict resolution in post-war Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH), and have been pioneers in empowerment of women survivors of war during and after the war in BiH. However, the majority of LBTQ women and their stories remain invisible, disconnected and undocumented. They are excluded from the official narratives, completely invisible to the general public and LGBT*IQA community themselves.

Queer Archive Storytelling for Transformation: The courageous lives of LBTQ women in BiH aims to make visible LBTQ herstories and narratives in LGBTQI communities, the wider feminist movement and general public of BiH.  Interviews on personal accounts and herstories of LBTQ women in BiH during wartime and/or post-war period will be recorded and published via Queer Archive platform Stories will serve as a tool of self-representation for the participants, as accounts of survival and inspiration for LGBTIQA communities, for inscription of LBTQ narratives within broader historical narratives and for inclusion of LBTQ narratives within women’s and feminist movement – accessible to everyone.

Domestic workers in Mexico £979.40
This project will paint a mural in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, which communicates the findings of Tallulah Line’s research on the identity and self-perception of domestic workers in an accessible, interesting and culturally relevant way. The mural will portray an image of domestic workers in which they are resilient, self-reflexive and able to make decisions about their own careers and lives. Tallulah will then give at least three public talks to communicate both the findings from the research, and the process of creating the mural, at three different locations in Mexico.

In their research, Tallulah found that despite the difficulties domestic workers faced in their lives and work, they all found ways to take control, exert agency, and be reflexive about what their employment as domestic workers meant about who they were as individuals. Through perspicacity and subversive behaviour, the domestic workers in the research consistently disrupted the typical conceptualisation of domestic workers. While their daily actions may not be seen as headline-grabbing acts of resistance, they are important examples of everyday revolutionary behaviour, examples of which ultimately improve women’s position in society. This resilience and agency deserves attention, to show the intricacies, complexities and ultimately their humanity.  Tallulah is keen to share the results from her research in an accessible, creative and culturally relevant way.

August 2019 Awards
Challenging sexual harassment in the work place in Ethiopia £5,000
Globally, gender based violence is a fact of life for many women. It is commonly committed by close family members in the domestic sphere. However, it is not limited to domestic areas, but also extends to where women work.

Women have struggled to achieve equal participation in public sectors to end political, social and economic inequalities between the two sexes, however sexual harassment, one form of violence against women, is widely practiced in work places. Higher education institutions in Ethiopia are one of the exemplary working places where sexual harassment is cultured, practiced and prevalent. Female academics are usually victimized by such violence which is often committed by male colleagues. The worst part is that most suffer in silence since it is considered as a culture and men who are often the prime offenders have no idea that their action has an impact on the victims.

The main justification of the team to work on this topic is “Challenging sexual harassment in the workplace: the case of Mekelle University” is that their experience of sexual harassment is encountered every day to the level that they cannot escape or avoid it. Despite considerable awareness of the problem, for too long women academics have suffered in silence, not knowing what to do about it. But now, as a gender equality advocate, the team strongly want to do something. The guiding principle for this project is “If we do not take the action now, who will?”.  The main purpose of the project is therefore through different interventions, to end the sexual harassment and create a violence free academic environment.

Women struggling for environmental justice in Pakistan £10,000
Roshni Tariqiyati Tanzeem aims to enhance the capacities of rural women in general, and a core group of women activists in particular to fight for their rights with emphasis on environmental rights. The Ghotki district in Pakistan suffers from multiple impacts of climate change, as well as being home to highly polluting industries; in agriculture, there is extensive use of toxic chemicals, and all have disastrous impacts. A patriarchal society makes women’s access to education difficult and they remain largely unaware of the impacts of  industrial pollution. The campaign will result in a core team of women activists willing to spearhead campaigns fighting for women’s rights in a semi-tribal, patriarchal society.

The project wants to ignite a rural women’s struggle for environmental justice based on the principles of feminism. In order to do so, a number of key interventions are planned. First, a link will be drawn with the previous struggle to mobilize women struggling for the right to natural resources appropriated by corporations. The momentum will help in catalysing a campaign against environmental pollution. Second, women will be informed of the various types of pollution from various pollutants from the industry and agriculture, and the impacts on their health, on livestock and natural resources such as land and water. Lastly, women will be supported to demand environmental justice. Therefore, the aim of the project is to build on the capacity of a core group of women actors who will carry forward the campaign.

Discrimination against women with disabilities in Bangladesh £7,000
Women with disabilities in Bangladesh are not only vulnerable but also the poorest, even within the disability community. They suffer poverty, un-empowerment, gender discrimination, illiteracy, malnutrition, poor health and sanitation facilities, lack of treatment, environmental barriers and inaccessibility to resources and development plans implemented across Bangladesh. Through this project WDDF will conduct training on the Persons with disabilities rights and protection Act 2013, UN CRPD and the Convention on Elimination of all forms of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW). They will also conduct policy advocacy for inclusion in different services of government such as education, health employment and ICT.

Women with Disabilities Development Foundation (WDDF) will implement a grant from Feminist Review Trust to develop and deliver a training programme girls and women with disabilities. This programme will have three elements:

    1. Training on Persons with Disabilities Rights and Protection Act
    2. Training on the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities
    3. Training on CEDAW with a particular focus on rural women

The project will build girls and women with disabilities capacity to get equal citizen rights, reduce discrimination and increase access to public services.

June 2019 Awards
From local to national in Turkey £5,000
Feminist Review is supporting a pilot study of Ardic Solidarity Association to implement women’s rights, freedom of expression, democratic participation and visibility in political arenas first from the neighbourhood to the district level and then at the national level. It will take place over six months in the Esenyalı neighbourhood of Pendik, Istanbul, in partnership with Esenyalı Women’s Solidarity Association. The women, most of whom do have a paid job, are primary school graduates and are in a fertile age range, have migrated from several places around Turkey.

The core of the project is the launch of a Women’s University in the neighbourhood so that women can be more politically active in issues that concern them. The curriculum of this university will include topics such as discrimination, gender, communication, living in the city, ecology, violence and fight against violence, citizenship rights, reproductive rights, and access to municipal services. The men, teenagers and the children of the neighbourhood will be included as well to raise general awareness on discrimination, gender, and democratic participation. The project will be run in partnership with the local NGO and their staff will be trained as project coordinators to ensure sustainability when this pilot study is concluded. At the end of the project, Ardic Solidarity Association hope to have instituted a continued awareness on these issues and set up neighbourhood councils where issues especially faced by the women can be shared and discussed to develop solutions for them.

You can follow the project through the news section of their website, which will be published in Turkish and English:

Disability and women’s theatre £500
The Female Gaze is a new play written by disabled artist, Sarah Gonnet about the role women play in the film industry, from the first female director Alice Guy Blache to the recent #MeToo campaign.  The project funded by the Feminist Review Trust will conduct a second period of research & development of the play, enabling Sarah to complete the script so that the play may tour in 2020. Time will be spent working with a director, a dramaturg and three actors, and an open rehearsal and a sharing will be held. Time will also be spent connecting with access experts in the region to develop an access plan, enabling those with access needs to attend the rehearsal/sharing and laying the foundations for access provision for future touring.

March 2019 Awards
Southall Black £4,000
To celebrate its 40th anniversary in 2019, Southall Black Sisters (SBS) will be organising an event to reflect on the impact of their work on the new generation of feminists and to ensure that important histories and understandings are not lost. They will put out a call through their activist and academic networks for young women who would be invited to explore the political legacy of SBS’s work, to speak about their own feminist politics and how/whether they were influenced by SBS. Issues such as the meaning of black identity today, multiculturalism and multifaithism, using the law to do politics and push for change, our double edged relationship with the state – challenging immigration controls versus demanding legislative protection on violence against women, rescuing intersectionality from identity politics, the rise of religious fundamentalism and its impact on women and promoting a feminist politics under neoliberalism and austerity will be considered. These will be recorded and transcribed and prepared for publication in a feminist journal or website to enable SBSs to carry on the conversation. They will produce an exhibition of posters recording key moments in SBS history and videos on their work will be screened.

The event will recall the many ways in which SBS has negotiated a complex socio-political terrain. SBS has achieved an iconic status in activist circles in Britain, not merely for the longevity of its existence but for the ground breaking work it has done in changing the legal, social and political landscape for BAME women (and arguably for all women) facing domestic violence, a racist state and society, and conservative religious and cultural constraints.

Sex workers education and advocacy in South Africa £5,240
The Sex Workers Education and Advocacy Taskforce (SWEAT) was established over 20 years ago to achieve a legal and safe adult sex work industry where sex work is acknowledged as work, and where sex workers have a strong voice, which informs and influences wider social debates.

The grant from the Feminist Review Trust aims to strengthen feminist leadership in SWEAT through workshops, training sessions and skill sharing.  Specifically the grant will cover the project leadership and travel costs for women attending the sessions.  It is hoped that this project will increase the visibility of sex worker voices in South African feminism.

January 2019 Awards
Black feminist oral histories in the UK £3,815
Works documenting the last 40 years of anti-racist and Black feminist organising are predominantly written from the perspective of proponents of political blackness, often men. Crucially, few of the documented critiques of political blackness were articulated by Black feminists and women of colour. This ‘gap’ in knowledge is a form of erasure, whereby Black women rarely get to write and be documented in their own histories.

Alexandra Kelbert and Natasha Nkonde are particularly interested in documenting the voices of the women and movements marginalised within an already marginal movement. Groups like the East London Black Women’s Organisation (ELBWO) and Abasindi Cooperative which are often relegated to the footnotes of feminist history.

Preliminary findings point to complicated relationships between class, political identification, access to institutional funding and posterity, which we are keen to further explore further.

To construct this fuller picture of anti-racist organising in 1970s-2000s Britain, Alexandra Kelbert and Natasha Nkonde are conducting oral history interviews with women who broadly politically organised within the Black feminist tradition, to ask how they related to political blackness, and explore some of the marginalised stories of women of colour organising.

Working within our experience of recording oral histories and podcasting from previous projects (The GLC Story, Remembering Olive Collective, Stories of Struggle), the researchers are aiming for a minimum of 15 oral history interviews over the span of the project – four of these have already been recorded.

Through documenting new perspectives on political blackness, Alexandra and Natasha hope to reveal further insights into the history of anti-racist and feminist organising, and create new knowledge about the challenges of movement building, necessary to build meaningful solidarity in our movements today.

Isolated women in Manchester £4,260
Angels of Hope for Women in Gorton, Manchester will hold a weekly meeting for women in the community with less access to any other social life:  refugees; asylum seekers and older women. The women have multiple disadvantages ranging from effects of domestic abuse, depression and low self-esteem. The group is run by other women who have experience of running similar groups in the past and has gained respect in the local community that women are eager and willing to engage in projects they run.

The meetings raise awareness about mental health and challenge the stigma and discrimination that comes with it.  The group members are encouraged to connect with the people in their local community, to undertake exercise and keep learning by trying something new, rediscovering an old interest or learning new things.

Once the women are confident and have knowledge and support in regards to their mental health, their wellbeing is crucial to the rest of the families in their household as they will be able to identify the signs and symptoms of mental health and access appropriate services. Women will also start socialising, going to groups in the local areas, engaging with their children’s schools and generally being confident to go out and meet others. Some women will hopefully feel empowered and start to volunteer in the community. 

Course on intersectionality in Greece £1,752
The grant from the Feminist Review Trust supports the launch of the first cycle of “pop up” activities of the Feminist Autonomous Centre for Research (FAC Research) in Athens: a space for learning, reflection, collaboration, support, exchange, knowledge production, political interventions, and trouble-making. Working across and against nation-state and continental borders, disciplinary boundaries, and institutional barriers, FAC research return to the feminist roots of autonomous knowledge production, challenging what counts as legitimate knowledge and who is granted the right to produce and receive it. The feminisms are queer, trans, intersectional, antiracist, anti-authoritarian, always in plural, reflexive, and internally contested.

Specifically, the Feminist Review Trust grant will fund a community course on Intersectionality. Using inquiry-based, collaborative research, and popular education methods, this course will introduce participants to the concept of intersectionality, its political underpinnings, and its coalitional promise. This is the first time that a course on intersectionality is being offered in Greece (whether in academic institutions or community settings), where social movements are currently struggling to make links between various manifestations of systemic oppression. There is also no published book in Greek on intersectionality, and the outcome of this course will constitute the first such publication.

September 2018 Awards
Support for women refugees in camp in Chios, Greece £4,000
Action for Women is a Zürich-based NGO that defends the rights and needs of vulnerable women and girls in order to combat exploitation and gender-based violence and promotes women’s rights and social inclusion. It operates the Athena Centre for Women on the island of Chios, the first exclusively female space outside the refugee camps in Greece with an all-women’ bus service. Along with the Centre, the bus provides a safe, consistent level of infrastructure for female refugees to access services at the Centre and eradicate one of the stressers of life in the refugee camp.

Following the closure of Souda camp in July 2017, the remaining refugees were transferred to Vial, located over fifteen kilometres outside central Chios. The camp has experienced significant overcrowding and the limited bus service provided by UNHCR has been overwhelmed with demand. As a result, Action for Women saw a significant shift in Centre attendance. In response, they launched the bus service in October 2017 with the goal of extending a safe space on Chios to include a reliable form of transportation. The need for the bus service was unprecedented and represented a significant increase in their monthly operational budget on Chios. The award from the Feminist Review Trust will allow the bus service to operate for a further three months after the initial funding.

August 2018 Awards
Addressing the anti-choice threat in Poland £8,000
The Polish ruling party has been pursuing legal means towards a total abortion ban which is a direct violation of rights against women and girls. The process is backed up by extreme right-wing groups who have been successfully imposing their anti-choice rhetoric in Poland, and in Polish expat communities in Europe. Women’s rights activists, together with feminist researchers, urgently need to work out the language, argumentation and strategy to counteract effectively the threat of the Polish anti-choice groups currently taking over. This project aims to provide means that will counteract the dominating anti-choice discourse in Poland, and enable pro-choice activists to become even more efficient influencers in the policy-making process.

The grant from the Feminist Trust Fund will finance an interconnected series of activities: conducting preliminary analysis; elaborating training scenarios; providing training courses; organising a strategy-building activity; issuing a publication/manual; hosting feminist platforms in different cities; setting up pro-choice billboards; producing and distributing pro-choice banners. Based on their experience as Gals4Gals, implementing a holistic approach which combines a series of diverse actions, proves to have the highest impact in the Polish public space.

The project activities will be mainly carried out in Poland, but they will also include groups of feminists from Ireland (Dziewuchy Dziewuchom Ireland and Repeal the 8th), from London (Polish Feminists group) and Brussels (Black Baloons Brussels) in order to reach Polish communities abroad, and feminists from Poland who operate in various parts of Europe.

Feminist murals in Sarajevo £4,900
With support from the Feminist Review Trust, the CURE Foundation will raise awareness of women’s issues in Bosnia and Herzegovina and implement public spaces by creating three of murals with feminist messages. They will work with women artists who will design and paint murals with feminist messages on the walls of three buildings around Sarajevo. The artists will engage in creative workshops with young women to transfer their knowledge, and empower them to express their thoughts and feelings through art. The artistic installation will have two educational functions:  providing young women with skills and knowledge, and initiating discussions in the public space. Through the murals they will start conversations among the public about topics normally considered taboo in Bosnian society. One mural will address gender-based violence, one will raise awareness of women’s intersectional identities and one will promote women’s education and civic engagement.

Early Career Women’s Economist Network £7,002
The Women’s Budget Group (WBG) is a network of leading academic researchers, policy analysts and activists set up in 1989 to analyse UK Government economic policy for its impact on women, promote policies that will increase gender equality and raise awareness and use of feminist approaches to economics.

Mainstream economic thinking still does not take account of the lessons of feminist economics. Student awareness of feminist approaches to economics is low and feminist economists and researchers can be isolated, particularly at the early stages of their careers.  In response to this, WBG is establishing a PhD and Early Career Network which aims to identify and support the next generation of feminist economists and policy researchers and establish strong links between them, women’s sector organisations and policymakers through policy discussions, training workshops and mentoring.

The goal is to strengthen the ability of early career feminist researchers to play an active role in public policy debates and to encourage a feminist approach among other researchers. This work supports the long term goal to promote holistic economic models that see gender relations as a structural part of economics in order to contribute to a gender equal society.

Digital feminist program in Peru £8,000
Chicha Morada is a news and opinion program for social media, led and produced by women. This program will show current topics with a gender perspective. It will be part of the independent and community content of Wayka, one of the Peruvian media with the highest reach in social media.

The name of Chicha Morada makes reference to popular society (“chicha” is a popular and traditional Peruvian drink). “Morada” (purple) is the symbolic colour of feminism internationally.

Chicha Morada will be hosted by two young women and will present and comment on news in a creative and critic way. It will be published in social media, a place that has a large number of young users. They will be the change agents of Peruvian society for the next decades. Humour will be the main tool to give diversity in the representation of women in media. The format will have opinion monologues and humorous sketches. They will be recorded inside and outside the set. It will be uploaded to their channel in YouTube.

Chicha Morada will be supported by Wayka, an independent and non profit media that priorities content on human rights and women rights.  Most of the time, women are considered a decorative element by media with a mercantilist objective.  Wayka questions the high level of concentrated and traditional media in Peru, a situation that promotes a view of the facts with a traditional way for showing news that most of the time uses stereotypes for representing women.

June 2018 Awards
Women screenwriters in Cuba £2,085
Circuito Liquido wants to generate systemic changes for the advancement of the rights of Cuban women screenwriters.  Its objectives are:

    • to strengthen capacities in scripts writing/rewriting that show themes related to violence against women and problems associated with femininity, while enhancing other forms of writing that are unchecked from traditional ones
    • to train artistic agents (screenwriting women) who impact the Cuban cultural field on issues related to violence against women
    • promote the voices, active participation, leadership and impact of Cuban women screenwriters as professionals in the audiovisual industry, as well as offering tools to achieve sustainable audiovisual projects

Circuito Liqido will contribute to the construction of audiovisual programming, through a laboratory of audiovisual writing with a feminist vision to strengthen the capacities of artistic self-management and to promote active participation, leadership and the impact of women artists as professionals in the audiovisual industry.  At the same time, it will make possible the formation of artistic agents (screenwriting women) in order that they can modify the real barriers that impede women advancing toward the equality of gender within screen writing in Cuba.

May 2018 Awards
Mental health issues in UK Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities £6,409
Approximately, 1 in 4 people in the UK will experience a mental health problem each year. Yet, it is estimated that only 25% of these people will receive support. This problem is exacerbated in inner city areas of concentrated south Asian communities, particularly Bangladeshi and Pakistani communities, where a woman’s role, family and economic issues all contribute. It is a problem that the communities do not vocalise due to shame associated with it.

‘The Hum In My Heart’ is a new project by Amina Khayyam Dance Company (AKDC), exploring issues of mental health amongst south Asian women particularly from the Pakistani and Bangladeshi communities in inner cities of Luton, East London, Birmingham and Woking. The Company will provide non-threatening ‘environments’ to encourage women to share experiences. They will have the opportunity to use any artistic form – dance sequences, story tableaux, textile or film/digital work, self authored or made with AKDC’s participation, with their professional performers and storytellers with digital capacity, so that they take the first steps to recognise their mental health status. AKDC will then create building blocks for ‘The Hum in My Heart’, a production aiming to extend reach even more widely and encourage more individuals affected by mental health issues to become involved and generate the momentum for change within their specific communities.

Migrant women and gendered-based violence £10,000
Migrant women with unresolved immigration issues are at particular risk of violence, exploitation, homelessness and destitution. In 2013 the scope in the UK for legal aid for immigration cases was drastically reduced. Unable to navigate the complexities of the UK immigration system without support, migrant women with cases outside the scope of legal aid who can not afford to pay a solicitor or high immigration application fees, face losing leave to remain to which they are entitled and/or remaining trapped in abusive situations.

Praxis will use this grant towards the employment of an experienced Immigration Adviser who will provide holistic support to migrant women, including those facing destitution and homelessness as a result of the ‘no recourse to public funds’ condition. The lack of free, safe advice means that many migrant women remain trapped in abusive situations, particularly when they are under the impression that leaving an abusive partner may impact on their own immigration status. This programme will offer support with:

    • Immigration issues and making applications (for example, domestic violence concession applications, human rights applications articles 3 and 8 )
    • Leaving abusive situations and reporting abuse to the police
    • Peer group support (for example, access to our regular group work for young migrants and migrant mothers)
    • Advice and support with destitution (for example, hardship grants, support getting fee waivers for immigration applications)
    • Housing and homelessness advice
    • Referrals to further support from statutory and voluntary sector organisations (for example, accessing Section 17 under the Children’s Act 1989, counselling/mental health services, registering with a doctor).

Sex Worker’s Opera £6,750
Throughout 2018 and 2019 Sex Worker’s Opera will deliver arts advocacy workshops on including sex workers to women’s, feminist, LGBTIAQ+, migrant and BAME groups, organisations and campaigns. These workshops will build solidarity across movements, providing the tools and perspectives to make sex workers more able to participate openly without fear of stigma and exclusion in their own communities. Sex Worker’s Opera will train and mentor members to deliver and develop these workshops, building capacity for intersectional organising and long term sustainability.

Most sex workers are mothers, and sex work has long been a survival strategy for ostracised LGBTIAQ+ people and undocumented migrants. Therefore, sex workers are present in many wider marginalised identities but seldom feel safe coming forward and sharing those experiences due to division sewn by institutions in power and more privileged elements in movements.

The arts are a battleground for healthy representation of all identities. Sex workers find themselves constantly appropriated to sell controversy and sexuality, while being just as easily expendable – left to die at the end to vindicate patriarchal expectations.

Using performance art, theatre, dance, song and hip-hop, the project draws on over 70 stories from 18 countries across 6 continents to devise sex worker-led art, providing honest, complex and empowering narratives of survival against society’s violence and exclusion. Through their inreach workshops, Sex Worker’s Opera will share tools to develop and produce powerful art reclamations to sex workers in the UK.

January 2018 Awards
Women migrant and asylum seekers in Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre £5,000
Yarl’s Wood Befrienders (YWB) offers emotional and practical support services for women migrants and asylum seekers indefinitely detained in Yarl’s Wood Immigration Removal Centre to help them cope with the challenges of living in confinement and uncertainty. Many are victims of trafficking, modern slavery, torture, FGM, forced marriage, physical and sexual violence/abuse, or at risk of persecution in their countries for their religious or LGBTI identity. These traumatic histories further add to the negative impact of detention on their emotional well-being and mental health. They may be self-harming, suicidal, have PTSD or other mental health issues.
Befrienders offer emotional support through a one-to-one visiting scheme with dedicated ‘Befrienders’, weekly drop-in sessions and annual, large-scale social events open to all detainees. YWB also offers practical support, such as clothing, underwear, shoes, suitcases, etc., for many women detained with little to no belongings. Provisions for mobile phone credit allow women to keep in touch or maintain relationships with family, friends, Befrienders, charities and solicitors. The award from the Feminist Review Trust will support the provision of detainee support sessions, fees to access medical notes, mobile phone credit and practical items such as clothing and toiletries.

December 2017 Awards
Training local women as Restorative Justice Facilitators in Leicester £6,325
The project aims to recruit and train 12 local women from a very diverse and deprived neighbourhood in Leicester as Restorative Justice Facilitators. The trained women will support and empower women in the local area to deal with conflicts within the neighbourhood. The women will be trained in restorative justice approaches, conflict resolution and management, non-violent communication, peace and relationship building. The training will enable the women to run and facilitate weekly sessions which will bring local women experiencing neighbourhood conflict and disputes together to resolve their disputes peacefully. The women will also carry out additional outreach to raise awareness about what they do and encourage women in the communities to attend weekly sessions and discuss local issues to find a common solution. Through restorative circle sessions, women will relate to other women from different cultures, religions and race, and through this interaction gain new skills and understanding of the diversity of women in the area.

Sexual and reproductive rights with a gender and disability perspective in Argentina £4,425
Through this project, the Red por los Derechos de las Personas con Discapacidad (REDI) will develop a virtual platform to enable women to exercise their sexual and reproductive rights (SRRs), in conditions of equality and non-discrimination. The platform will be the first of its kind in Argentina to combine gender and disability perspectives, reflecting an intersectional conception of SRRs. Although targeted at all women living in Argentina, the platform will be specially designed to ensure that disabled women are able to benefit from it. In the platform, women will find key information about the scope of their sexual and reproductive rights; a directory of resources that provide relevant counselling and services; and a friendly space to share their experiences and demands in relation to these rights.

July 2017 Awards
Campaigning against violence against women £2,000
The Centre for Legal Assistance for Women in Bosnia Herzegovina want to highlight the increased number of murders of women by their intimate partners, women who have been previously exposed to prolonged violence and left without institutional and community support. By organising “shocking” performances in three Bosnian cities, the group want to increase awareness and encourage citizens to get involved to challenge and condemn violence against women. With self-defence trainings in the same three cities, women will be offered a tool for basic defence from abusers, rapists, be empowered and have increased self-confidence. By joining forces with two other organisations, the Centre want to create a critical mass that will stand against violence against women, even after project ends.

May 2017 Awards
Countering anti-choice groups in Spain £2,000
In the last few years, anti-choice fundamentalist groups are more and more active in Spain, defending traditional family values and working against the right to abortion, same sex marriage and sexual education, among other issues. In 2016 the Catalan Women’s Fund (Calala Fondo de Mujeres) undertook research on who these groups are and their strategies. This led to a group of feminist organisations starting to coordinate with LGBT, migrant and health organizations in order to counter their arguments. Calala want to strengthen the capacities of the feminist movement to counter anti-choice groups and discourses through networking and training activities. In particular, they plan to

    1. Define and monitor a common strategy to counter the influence of the anti-choice groups
    2. Organise a workshop to develop skills on communication and argumentation against anti-choice discourses.

The project will be implemented in Barcelona, the city where Calala has its main office, but they will also involve organisations from Madrid and others cities to come to Barcelona for the workshop. Calala hope to organise a network with a common strategy.

Violence against socially excluded women in Ghana £1,500
The International Federation of Women Lawyers in Ghana (FIDA) is setting up a project which addresses violence against socially excluded groups such as women living with HIV and Aids and women and girls with disabilities.  FIDA wants to achieve a transformative change in the documentation of sexual and gender based that captures violent offences against socially excluded groups. Annual data from the Domestic Violence Victims Support Unit (DOVVSU) of the Ghana Police Service treats women as a homogenous group, ignoring intersections of violence against socially excluded groups, and consequently, there is no critical data on intra gender violence.

The grant from the Feminist Review Trust will support the administration of the collection of oral histories. Through the use of oral testimonies, the project intends to show how marginalization in service responses deters vulnerable women from accessing justice.  A secondary use of the oral testimonies is as an education and information tool to raise public consciousness and show the differences in the nature of violence that confronts each group.  Hopefully the oral testimonies will also encourage and empower women to report cases to DOVVSU as well as FIDA-Ghana’s legal aid centre.  It is anticipated that DOVVSU will improve its documentation of SGBV data to make it more inclusive and take action to provide targeted services to vulnerable women.

Women affected by domestic violence providing peer support £3,268
The Feminist Review Trust is supporting Tyneside Women’s Health service users who have been affected by domestic abuse, and who have accessed domestic abuse support, to train as peer mentors.  As peer mentors, the women will set up and facilitate a monthly Safer Women Peer Support Group for other women affected by domestic abuse who have already attended and completed more structured services. This is a new project, and as such, women will be involved from the beginning in shaping and developing the service.  The Safer Women Peer Support Group will provide follow on support for women as they leave more formal and structured interventions.  The group will offer opportunities for reflection and sharing of tools. Techniques learned in support groups will enable women to explore other community facilities and find out about what else is on offer locally such as training, volunteering opportunities, and leisure activities. A vital objective of the group is to help women to develop confidence, reduce social isolation, and reduce the risk of entering future abusive relationships.

The aim is for the group to become self sustaining after a 12 month set up phase that is run by and for women survivors of domestic abuse.

January 2017 Awards
Flower Power – making the invisible visible £1,000
We buy flowers to celebrate, to commiserate and to show love. The global supply chain for flowers is a massive industry and can often appear too difficult to tackle.  Women Working Worldwide want to start right at the very beginning – where flowers are grown and by whom – and work to improve their rights.

Africa is one of the biggest suppliers of flowers to the UK. Women, who make up the majority of the flower workforce, are often forced to work overtime, during peak times like Valentine’s Day, making childcare arrangements impossible to arrange and often not being paid the proper overtime rates.  Women frequently have to work on casual contracts, are discouraged from joining unions, work for very low wages and many face sexual harassment in the workplace. Many also suffer from burns, breathing difficulties and loss of sight because they are exposed to pesticides used on the flowers.

With a grant from the Feminist Review Trust, the Flower Power campaign will start at the beginning of February 2017 – before Valentines Day (14 February) – and run for one month. The website will have a quiz, pledges, competition, blogs and a video. It will also show who is affected, what the issues are, why the issues are important, where and how people can campaign, and what steps people can take in order to promote equality, reduce consumption and buy ethically and responsibly.

December 2016 Awards
Eastern European women’s support group £5,000
The Mediation and Advice Project CIC provides social welfare advice, community mediation and training services, and with this award will establish an Eastern European Women’s Support Group and volunteering programme, in the Southend and Castle Point Boroughs of Essex. The project will provide a fortnightly support group to share experiences and support, reduce isolation and provide a positive voice within a community for local women who are currently isolated, vulnerable, living in temporary or caravan accommodation, experiencing abuse or discrimination and on low incomes.  Women attending the group will be able to participate in a dedicated comprehensive training programme, to train as mentors, advisers and guiders. These roles will help the women practice English language skills, learn new skills to access employment or education and engage with the wider community through volunteering and advice provision.  The award from the Feminist Review Trust will fund a Project Co-ordinator to design, implement, organise and develop the Project and provide travel expenses for the volunteers who take part.

LBT rights in Zimbabwe £2,000
Pakasipiti Zimbabwe seeks to highlight specific challenges of LBT women, including how LBT women often remain undocumented.  The project will engage in a process that highlights the narratives of LBT women in relation to rights, bodily autonomy and choice in a manner that makes them visible them.  It seeks to shift negative attitudes rooted in ignorance.   The project will create not only knowledge and facilitate documentation of LBT issues but also ensure that they also deal with issues of wellness and mental health.

The goal of Pakasipiti is to challenge pervasive human rights violations targeted against LBT women and to advocate for continued protection, wellness care and support for women who suffer discrimination, stigma, prejudice, torture, and abuse as a direct consequence of their sexuality.

Sonic Cyberfeminisms £750
Sonic Cyberfeminisms is a 2-day event to be held at the University of Lincoln and nearby venues on 5 – 6 May 2017. Consisting of workshops, talks and performances, the event will bring together artists, academics and the wider public to address the participation of women, girls and other gendered minorities in the often male-dominated fields of music technology, audio production and sonic arts.

In recent years, the relationship between sound, gender and technology has gained increasing attention. There have been a number of artist networks, archives and educational initiatives established in the hope of tackling the gendered exclusions from and disparities within the technocentric fields of electronic music and audio production. Many of these projects can be understood to share some of the concerns and ideals of cyberfeminism. Emerging in the early 1990s, cyberfeminism sought to explore the potentials and possibilities of technology, computing and cyberspace for feminist praxis.

Sonic Cyberfeminisms will provide an opportunity to critically reflect upon and innovatively contribute to current activism and debates concerning sound, gender and technology, while also drawing attention to the work of women in the fields of electronic music and sound technology; and encouraging women and girls to get involved in these fields.

The funding provided by the Feminist Review Trust will be fund five bursaries. In helping to cover travel, accommodation and childcare costs, these bursaries will allow the participation of women who would not otherwise be able to attend.

Training and workshops for Syrian refugee women in Lebanon £8,700
Arsal is a poor Lebanese town of 35,000 in the mountains near the Syrian border. Since 2013, at least 70,000 Syrian refugees have been accommodated there, in tents and ramshackle buildings, enduring harsh winters and stifling summers, with dwindling savings and decreasing hopes of a speedy return to their Syrian homes. The presence of the refugees, as well as militant groups in the neighbouring hills, and army checkpoints, has caused significant strain to the town’s economy.

Edinburgh Direct Aid has been providing support to refugees in Arsal since 2013. EDA volunteers despatch aid donated by the Scottish public, and regularly visit the town to distribute the aid and buy immediate necessities like fuel oil and medicine.  From 2015, EDA has also been implementing a more long term strategy to combat the growing idleness and despair in the town – funding camp schools for the many children missing education, and setting up a training and workshop centre, where short vocational courses impart useful skills, and facilities are available for community activities.

The Feminist Review Trust is funding a women’s workshop in the centre. It provides access to computers, informal knitting groups and a sewing workshop. It is also funding four two-month vocational courses for women in subjects for which there is the greatest demand, and of the most immediate benefit in the community – English language, sewing, literacy, and First Aid.

Syrian refugee women and girls in Edinburgh £6,000
With funding from the Feminist Review Trust and matched funding totalling £12,000, Saheliya will provide 10 hours of Arabic Support each week for female Syrian women, girls aged 12+ and other Arabic speaking clients.  The Arabic Support Worker will give specific one to one support to enable women to take part in their front line services which include counselling, therapeutic services, one to one support and group sessions. She will also help resolve any issues regarding schools, housing, health, utility bills etc at a weekly drop in service and provide support within their ESOL beginners and intermediate classes.  Saheliya will arrange ‘Living and Learning in Edinburgh’ outings to give women the opportunity to get to know the main city and the surrounding districts where they may be housed.

The Support Worker will work closely with Arabic speaking girls aged 12+ to encourage and support them to take part in Young Saheliya activities. This will give the girls an opportunity to mix with others from a wide range of communities, receive support within schools and colleges and identify future employment prospects. Girls will also be supported to take part in creative activities such as dance, music and arts and crafts so they can enjoy themselves and have fun.

Vange Women’s Network £4,965
The idea for The Vange Women’s Network came from a group of women in Vange in Basildon Essex, who discussed what they needed in order to change their lives.  Many of the women feel isolated and face many disadvantages. With funding from the Feminist Review Trust they will plan a series of inspirational and practical workshops, supported by mentors, who will work together with them to explore their hopes, dreams and aspirations and help them create their own personal development plans. They will discuss role models and body image and will have the opportunity to learn new skills, lead healthier lifestyles,  and importantly, take control of their lives.   The women want to be an inspiration to their children and this programme will help them to build the foundations needed to empower them to take control of their lives and explore their place in the community.

August 2016 Awards
Breast Feeding in Leicester £2,796
Leicester Mammas is a Community Programme, run by local mothers for local mothers. Based in one of the most diverse, multicultural communities in the UK, with high levels of child poverty and health and social inequalities, the group support pregnant and new mothers to adapt to motherhood and especially to breastfeed their babies. Their community values breastfeeding and understands the important role it plays in supporting health and well-being, yet many women still face barriers, with those facing the worst hardships and crisis the least likely to establish and maintain breastfeeding.

Breastfeeding is not the responsibility of individual women, but the responsibility of the whole of society. In 2016 there is a Call to Action by breastfeeding organisations for a national breastfeeding strategy. The group will use the grant to contribute to the discussion and be an effective voice at a national level to ensure the issue of how infant feeding and inequalities are linked, and how this affects the lives of the poorest in society (and cost to society), is given a higher profile.

The project will enable volunteers to gain the skills and confidence, as well as the practical means to participate in the discussions and get their opinions heard. Volunteers will be able to attend conferences and participate in meetings of the newly formed All Party Parliamentary Group on Infant Feeding and Inequalities.  The award will also be used to increase awareness across Leicester of their work and why this project is needed.

Sexual violence of Syrian refugees £6,000
The Syrian crisis has forced its people to flee war atrocities to neighboring countries. Jordan, despite scarce resources and lack of sufficient professionals, has hosted Syrian refugees and tried to provide for their many immediate needs. However, the most vulnerable refugees are women and girls who were sexually abused and tortured.

During 2014, UC Berkeley’s School of Social Welfare and Dr. Niveen Rizkalla have conducted a study on mental health of Syrian refugees in Jordanian host-communities and their helpers – professionals working with Syrian refugees at 30 organisations. A preliminary analysis indicates that professionals are buckling under the pressure of coping with refugees’ unmet needs, mental health impacts, as well as an enormous need for supervision, training and education of practical skills, especially in sexual violence topics.

The influx of refugees in Jordan together with a lack of sufficient training and support when coping with complex issues, leaves professionals in a vulnerable and frustrating position with an inability to effectively assist refugees, which eventually harms the refugees.

The award from the Feminist Review Trust will support a training project in Arabic that addresses the specific needs/capacities of senior staff who work at multiple organisations via one month of intensive workshops on best practices for coping with sexual violence of refugees. The project will target the training of senior staff to enable them to train others, and expand the networking within each organisation and across organisations. This working model will boost future independent collaborations, opportunities to maximize resources and the sharing of knowledge, all of which benefit the refugee, local populations and staff.

Afghan women – newly arrived in the UK £3,376
This project will support newly arrived Afghan women suffering from depression due to the trauma of war, stressful journeys and isolation.  The Afghanistan and Central Asian Association will invite ten to fifteen women to attend workshops. They will work with local groups including organisations that work with people from minority ethnic backgrounds, colleges and community centres to ensure the project has the target number of attendees required to make it viable. Each workshop would be confirmed three to four weeks in advance to ensure there is ample time for promotion and outreach. Quarterly evaluation sessions will also be conducted with attendees to get feedback on the workshops. This will allow participants to have a key role in choosing topics covered at the workshops. Gaining skills and achieving heightened autonomy will help local women in multiple pursuits including job seeking, raising awareness, balancing a healthy home and leading a fulfilling social life. The workshops will cover topics such as integration, social cohesion and women’s rights.  Podcasts of the presentations given will be made available to the community through our website to ensure as many women as possible have access to the materials, not just those who attend.

April 2016 Awards
Women in the music industry £2,000
Saffron Records is a Social Enterprise running as a Community Interest Company. Launched in September 2015, it seeks to change the way women are perceived within the music industry, one empowered woman at a time. As the first female youth record label, Saffron Records is creating safer foundations for young women age 16-­24 to access the music industry with confidence and courage to succeed.

Saffron Records wants to encourage young women to have a voice and offer them a platform to amplify these voices, focusing on musicality, not sexuality. They offer artists mentoring and development on a one to one basis in Bristol. This can include anything from vocal training, to creative writing, to stage presence, to identity and self-promotion. The grant will be used for costs of mentoring and rehearsal hire space.

Production of high quality, low cost sanitary napkins £11,062
Led by Isango Coalition Group against Poverty and Disease, this projects will produce high quality, low cost sanitary napkins for over 150,000 school girls and rural women in the western region of Uganda to enable them to attend school, participate in sport and improve their health and hygiene.  The biodegradable sanitary napkins produced will be sold at an affordable price of US$0.07 over the production costs of US$0.40.  The income earned will be used to sustain the project.
Youth victims of domestic violence £1,807.68
The Harmony Project is the only specialist domestic abuse refuge in England to work exclusively with young women aged 16-24 and their children. The project is operated by Crossroads Derbyshire, a Women’s Aid affiliated domestic abuse provider, and is located in the High Peak area of Derbyshire. The project provides a place of safety for an average of 22 young women and their children each year from across the UK. Police figures show that women in this age group are the most at risk of sexual violence, forced marriage and online grooming.

With funding from the Feminist Review Trust, the charity will set up a Survivors’ Support Group for young women who have moved on from the refuge and have settled into their own tenancies in the local area. The group will offer peer support for young women living in the community after they have escaped and recovered from abuse. It will provide ongoing advice on keeping themselves safe, and on housing, education, finance, parenting, self-esteem and any other needs. The group will also encourage young women to take on a mentoring role for new residents when they first come into refuge.

The group will be encouraged to contribute to the national debate on domestic abuse services for younger women via forums and panels. The women are willing to produce short videos for circulation on social media, to talk to commissioners and contribute to future academic studies.

Women refugees and asylum seekers in Merseyside   £6,820
MRANG was established as a registered charity in 2004 to meet the unaddressed needs of female refugees and asylum seekers in Merseyside, with a focus at that time on pre and post-natal support. The organisation has since grown to offer a wide range of support to women refugees and asylum seekers, including victims of trafficking, sexual violence, domestic servitude and other gender based violence. The women face multiple disadvantages, for example mental and physical health problems, poverty compounded by the fact that they will be in a marginalised group and will experience prejudice.

MRANG provides two outreach sessions per week where women and their children get an opportunity to make friends, havea hot meal and access our support services. The outreach team undertakes weekly visits to accommodation centres to engage with women new to the area. MRANG also runs a very popular weekly afterschool club where children get extra support from teachers to help with their homework and women receive English language classes from an ESOL qualified teacher.  The family support team offer a wide variety of crucial support and advocacy services. The Feminist Review Trust award will contribute towards the running costs during 2016.

Inclusion of disabled women in community development in Nepal £4,583
Gramin Mahila Srijanshil Pariwar (GMSP) is a long established and very effective women-led community development group in the Sindhupalchowk district of Nepal, working to combat women and child slavery and trafficking, gender violence and to promote economic development and women’s health – all major concerns in this hilly and poor district, north of Kathmandu, where many men migrate to work overseas and where levels of trafficking are notoriously high.

Sindhupalchowk was at the epicentre of the 2015 earthquakes and since then GMSP has been one of the lead local organisations co-ordinating emergency post earthquake aid in the district for both men and women, with a particular emphasis on psycho-social support.

Working with Disabled Human Rights Centre Nepal, GMSP became concerned that disabled women were not fully engaged or included in their mission to empower and support rural women.  GMSP are now working to become thoroughly disability inclusive at every level from the village based self help groups which are at their core, through the whole organisational structure (including staff and board), using the skills and expertise of the Disabled Human Rights Centre to provide disability training and awareness raising.

The Feminist Review Trust’s support will also enable GMSP to set up three disabled women’s self help groups with approximately 12 women in each and to make their office more disability friendly by installing an accessible toilet in their current temporary (post earthquake) offices and funding for other accessibility features.

March 2016 Awards
Polish domestic violence helpline £2,862
The Polish Domestic Violence Helpline is a dedicated helpline offering support to Polish speaking women who are affected by domestic abuse in England.  Currently the helpline operates one day per week, taking calls from people who are at risk themselves or who are concerned about someone who is at risk of domestic abuse.  Referrals are made to the Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference (MARAC) in their area so that local agencies can work together to provide a response to the abusive situation.

The award from the Feminist Review Trust will provide for a computer, the set up and use of broadband and a secure data management system – Modus.  It is hoped these tools will enable the service to provide women with better information about available help and support and to refer families more effectively to appropriate agencies for further support

January 2016 Awards
Gender and ethnic equality seminars in Rojava, North Syria £9,800
The war and the pre-existing feudal-patriarchal societal structures in Syria have a negative impact on the development of children, women and therefore for the whole family. Further, people are strongly affected by the embargo, poverty and the lack of education possibilities for children. Under the slogan “A free woman is basic for a free society”, the Foundation of Free Woman in Rojava (WJAR) runs sustainable projects to improve the gender, health, economic and ecological situation in society.   WJAR seeks to limit patriarchal attitudes by opening kindergardens for children aged 3 to 6.

With the support of the Feminist Review Trust, WJAR is running a special education programme to improve gender and ethnic equality for one year. In the kindergarden, children are open, full of energy, and wanting to discover themselves and the world. This is the right of children. The staff members at the kindergarden are trained in child care. This includes the psychology of children and families and the support needs of children affected and suffering under the circumstances of war and violence. The training seeks to improve the support of gender and ethnical equality in daily work, how to operate in an intercultural environment and how to support families with problems.

With trained teachers, the quality of the children’s care is growing. For the first time in Syria, children will learn about the different cultures and ethnics of Syria and Rojava.

Equality support and training for disabled women in Sri Lanka   £8,614.24
Equality-based Community Support and Training (ECSAT) is a registered local non- governmental, non- profitable and charitable organisation established in Galle, Sri Lanka in 2005.

ECSAT has offered training for disabled women in a residential home in Galle. However, they have been unable to target the needs of all the women due to minimal resources.  Many women are severely disabled and are locked up in their rooms, with no facilities for visitors or other activities. They have not been to school and have few social skills due to isolation within their own families.

Through continuous research and by word of mouth since 2009, ECSAT has identified 34 vulnerable disabled women in the Galle district who are at risk of being institutionalised.

ECSAT is delivering a project to de- institutionalise the daily life of residents of Bonavista and prevent institutionalisation for disabled women living with families in the Galle community. ECSAT will provide disability rights training, vocational training and social and Life skills training for both residents and women in the community.

Widening the aspirations of young women £1,600
Young women in the North East of England traditionally out perform boys at GCSE level but are greatly underrepresented in industries such as Engineering, Construction, Sciences and others which are traditionally seen as the preserve of males. This is not because they do not have the skills to work in these areas but sometimes they do not have the right information about these industries and low aspirations about what they could do.

This award is for a one day event to bring together young women with role models from these industries to inspire and widen their horizons, encouraging them to consider GCSE subjects, jobs and careers previously viewed as only for suitable for males.  80 female students selected by schools in deprived areas of Newcastle will attend.

The event will focus on the Young Enterprise principle of ‘learning by doing’ and be an active and engaging day, providing information and support to the students through the engagement of local employers.  The students will gain insight and practice the key employability skills that employers are looking for of teamwork, communication, resilience, confidence, initiative, financial capability, organisation and problem solving.  On the day the students will work in teams on group activities, which will challenge them to develop their team working, problem solving, decision making  and presentation skills which are key to working in these sectors.

Older Awards